Hanley Investment Group helps client validate & complete $2M 1031 exchange
Hanley Investment Group used Placer data on rankings, market landscape, and retail sales to validate a fast casual wing property for a $2M 1031 exchange. The data demonstrated strong performance and minimal competition, convincing the client and their bank to proceed with the deal.

The Challenge
When a high net worth individual came to him for help with a 1031 exchange deal, Brad Dessy, Vice President at Hanley Investment Group, thought a fast casual wing concept might be the perfect fit. It seemed to fit all of the client’s requirements. How could Brad validate the opportunity?
The Outcome
Using Placer data on rankings, market landscape, and retail sales, Brad showed the property was ideally located with strong visitation performance and minimal local competition. Impressed with the data, the client and their bank decided to move forward with the deal.
Placer improves traditional due diligence using data that was previously unavailable. You get inside knowledge - a remarkably accurate estimate of sales, how the property ranks against competitors, whether performance is trending up or down, and much more.”