Research White Papers

Navigating a New Normal in Business Travel & Commutes

Business travel came to a halt over the pandemic, with lockdowns, quarantines, and work-from-home mandates keeping people off of public transportation and flights and away from convention centers. And though travel began to increase around in mid-2021, the recovery is far from complete. After many stops and starts, COVID-19 surges, and inflationary pressures, how has traveler behavior shifted over the past three years? 

This white paper looks at two categories of business travel – frequent commutes, including transportation to and from the office, and more infrequent travel related to out-of-town business meetings and conventions. By analyzing visit trends to airports, public transportation hubs, convention centers, and offices, this report examines how business travel and commutes look in the new normal and tries to predict what lies ahead for the industry.  

Read the white paper to find out –

  • How has public transportation usage changed since the pandemic? 
  • Is frequent air travel making a comeback? 
  • What does 2023 have in store for convention centers? 
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